COVID-19 tips from someone who had it


Can I really ride this out at home?

Yes. Only the 20% most serious cases require hospitalization. The rest of us just need to stay home and rest, and avoid taking up precious medical resources. 

What will I feel like? 

You will feel bad. High fever (as high as 104). Dry cough. Slight exertions will exhaust you. Many people lose their sense of smell and taste. Some will have "rigors" (shivering from chills).

Which should I take for my fever: Tylenol or Ibuprofen?

Despite the one article which everyone has sent you, the current consensus of public health experts and the WHO is that either one is fine (yes, I know, I will get many hate replies for this).

Can I take an over-the-counter cough suppressant?


Should I buy a pulse oximeter? 

Listening to how you feel is more reliable than the uncalibrated pulse oximeter you bought online. You will know when your body is not getting enough oxygen. But if you have an oximeter and want to use it, go for it.

What if I don’t have a thermometer and there are none in the stores?

If your body is telling you that you have a fever, believe it. And assume you have coronavirus.

How long will I be sick?

Ranges widely, from 1 to 14 days for the sickest part. But you should assume you won’t feel 100% for at least 7-14 days. And take it easy, relapses are common.

Do I need to get a test?

No. A test will give you and your doc zero useful information. If you have the symptoms assume it’s coronavirus and rest, hydrate, take meds for fever/cough. And call a doc if needed.