Coronavirus changes how we do and plan business


Dramatic and sudden, the pandemic has cost economies worldwide so many jobs that it's hard to keep track. The crisis is already changing how business is done, on a local and global scale as well.


Whether you're a CEO or rely on tips to make a living, your life and likely your career has already been impacted by the novel coronavirus, even if you're among the lucky few who still haven't felt that difference. If you're unlucky, you're on furlough or have already lost your job, and you need no reminders that everything's changing.


And all it took is forcing people to stay at home, either out of fear or because of orders by authorities. This was enough for entire supply chains to collapse within days. Restaurants are closed temporarily, some went out of business and so did their servers. Those still fighting are finding new ways of reaching customers, boosting their social media presence and switching to the thriving takeout model to make sure everyone knows home delivery is not just an option, it might be faster and more affordable than before.