COVID-19 tips from someone who had it


What If there are other people in my home? How do I protect them?

This is a big question worthy of its own thread. Short version: wear a mask (including homemade); Isolate in your own room if you can; keep windows open; wash hands and clean surfaces fastidiously.

Can my pets get it?


Do I need to lie prone (i.e. face down) when in bed?

There was a small study in China showing this helped for patients on ventilators. There is no recommendation from experts that you do this at home.

When should I call a doctor?

You do not need to call a doctor if you are in general healthy and only have fever/cough. If you are not improving after 3-4 days, time to call a doctor. If your situation worsens (e.g. difficulty breathing), time to call a doctor.

At what point should I call 911 or go to the ER?

Only when you face a true emergency, such as severe difficulty breathing (e.g. can’t speak more than a word or two at a time), chest pain, feeling confused, losing consciousness.

When will I stop being contagious?

Either 7 days after onset of symptoms, or 72 hours after your last fever (without meds)...whichever is later.

Will I get it again?

This question has not been conclusively resolved, but the best guess of scientists is that you will have immunity for 1-3 years, and that thereafter if you get it again you will have a more mild case (of course we hope a vaccine is available but then).

Is it true I can donate plasma once I’m better?

There is an exciting study at Mt. Sinai giving blood plasma from those who have recovered to those who are still sick. Results still pending. If you’d like to be considered for donation, email [email protected].

