Thanksgiving Day Football Games

Thanksgiving Day Football Games

Fall season has arrived. This means we need to start looking for our Halloween costumes and then get ready for Thanksgiving. There are few things that always happen on a Thanksgiving Day: Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a festive dinner and National Football League games! If you are an avid sports fan, then you should definitely look up the Thanksgiving Day football schedule for this year!


Thanksgiving Football History

Thanksgiving football games have been around us for quite some time now. NFL Thanksgiving games are even on Wikipedia! Yes – this event has its own Wikipedia page. And according to the source, the whole tradition dates back to 1876, where college football teams at Yale and Princeton played against each other on a Thanksgiving Day. It has become an annual thing and more universities started that tradition. Wondering which NFL football team began the tradition of playing a Thanksgiving football game? November 29, 1934 - the first NFL Thanksgiving Day football game took place. Chicago Bears vs Detroit Lions. That was 87 years ago!


What Football Games are on Thanksgiving?

For some people, Thanksgiving Day is all about football. Well, pumpkin pie, yams and turkey is also a must. But a respectable sports fan will always watch football games on Thanksgiving Day – it is a tradition! What channel is Thanksgiving football on? And what football games are on Thanksgiving Day? Every NFL enthusiast knows the football schedule for this Thanksgiving, but in case you are curious – there will be three football games during Thanksgiving Day this year. What time is the football game on Thanksgiving? The first game starts a little past noon. Bears at Lions (12:30 p.m. ET on Fox), Raiders at Cowboys (4:30 p.m. ET on CBS) and Bills at Saints (8:20 p.m. ET on NBC).

Who Plays Football on Thanksgiving?

For some avid fans, watching football on Thanksgiving is like singing carols during Christmas. A solid tradition that has to be passed on to younger generations. Who is playing football on Thanksgiving? Even though the Thanksgiving Day football games are all about NFL players and teams, a lot of families have their own tradition, that after the Thanksgiving dinner, they go outside and play football. Well, it might be a short game – no one wants to miss the National Football League game! A lot of people are wondering what football teams are playing on Thanksgiving Day, and in most cases, the schedule for football games on Thanksgiving Day is released in Spring.

Thanksgiving NFL Games

Football is one of the main attractions on a Thanksgiving Day. The question of the season is: who is playing football on Thanksgiving? The teams have been revealed! Most people are off from work that day, so they are able to watch all the Thanksgiving football games on their TVs. The next day is all about Thanksgiving football scores.


Thanksgiving Football Schedule

What football teams play on Thanksgiving Day? We have already mentioned all six teams that will play this November, but let us repeat: Bears at Lions, Raiders at Cowboys and Bills at Saints. Thanksgiving Day will definitely bring us some football scores and reasons to get all excited or irritated! So, remember to tune in and watch all the Thanksgiving Day football games.


Thanksgiving Day often revolves around stuffed turkey, pumpkin pie, yams, parade and football. It is nice to be able to do some things together with your family. Gathering around the table, watching Thanksgiving football games and talking to each other about teams and players. Sometimes people bond, and sometimes they disagree, but eventually everyone ends up being thankful for what they have.


Thanksgiving Day football games are definitely a great way to spend your holidays, but perhaps some people would like to check out some other Thanksgiving games and find a bunch of interesting “Thanksgiving games for family”? Some ideas might definitely interest you!