The biggest issue at a time of pandemic, however, is how alcohol consumption impacts our immune system. When you drink too much, multiple aspects of your immune system are suppressed, which might make you weaker if you happen to contract the coronavirus. According to data released in Alcohol Research, frequent drinking increases the risk of pneumonia and sepsis, which are two common complications of COVID-19.
The best use for alcohol is using it to sanitise your hands or surfaces, but in order for an alcohol-based sanitizer to work, you need at least 60% alcohol in it. So no, don't use disinfecting as an excuse when stocking up on booze.
If you really feel like having a drink, be sure to drink moderately and avoid binging. Also keep in mind that alcohol dehydrates the body. Hydration is very important once you contract the coronavirus, so after alcohol consumption drink a lot of water to compensate.