Sedano's - Valid from 07/07 until 07/13/2021

meat specials critid certified angus rep usda inspected beef loin tenderloin whole cryovac filete de res entero usda choice certified angus beef beef for stew carne de res para guisar usda inspected fresh chicken drumsticks muslos de pollo fresco en bolsa siempre fresco nunca congelado usda choice always fresh usda inspected fresh pork shoulder arm picnic steak bistec de paleta de cerdo fresco siempre fresco nunca congelad usda choice usda inspected previously frozen smoked pork shank pieces lacon ahumado cortado en trozos don novo sausage roll jamónada usda choice certified angus beef beef chuck mock tender roast boliche de pecho de res always fresh never free higüeral higueral பரவா higueral jamónada higueral salami original or salami mallita la primera farmers sausage salchichon el miño ground chorizo chorizo molido போக vesel fda inspected product of usa wild caught fresh cod fillets filetes de bacalao fresco swai filet american prime swai fillets filetes de basa american prime whiting merluza fillet siempre fresco nunca congelado dano srapper always fresh tuna stea fda inspected product of colombia farm raised fresh tilapia fillet filete de tilapia fresca siempre fresco nunca congelado american prime easy peel raw shrimp camarón crudos facil de pelar american prime cooked shrimp camarónes cocidos always cooked shrimp raw shrinps fresh new proxen always fresh american prime skin pack fresh salmon fillet or tuna steak filete de salmon o lomo de atún fresco en bandeja siempre fresco nunca congelado