Great Ideas for Christmas Gifts for Your Boyfriend

christmas gift ideas for boyfriend

It’s that time of year again, and you are probably looking for Christmas presents for your entire family and closest friends. Things can get a bit hectic at popular stores and shopping centers in your area, and even if you shop online, you may find that delivery times are extended compared to what they would normally be. In the midst of the Christmas shopping frenzy, don’t forget to buy a Christmas gift for your boyfriend. Especially if you’re in a new relationship, you may be wondering if it’s appropriate to get your boyfriend a Christmas present. Well, you should, even if it’s a small gift, if only to make a nice gesture and show him you care. The most important thing is to get your boyfriend a gift that is thoughtful, meaningful, sentimental, or even just plain cute for Christmas. While you’re at it, you can have some fun and check out some pretty wacky and whimsical Christmas gift ideas. Go for it, Christmas only comes around once a year.

If you are a boyfriend who has gotten lost looking for Christmas gift ideas for a girlfriend, make sure to check out the article on Great Ideas for Christmas Gifts for Your Girlfriend.


Get the Best Christmas Present for Your Boyfriend

If you’re looking for Christmas present ideas for your boyfriend, you’ve come to the right place. Getting your boyfriend a meaningful and sweet Christmas gift is a great way for you to show him you care about him and appreciate his interests. Christmas is a great opportunity to let your boyfriend know that you have been paying attention and are attuned to what he likes. If you go the extra mile when picking out a Christmas present for your boyfriend, he will certainly be appreciative, and you can expect a wonderful date night in your near future. Use what you know and like about your boyfriend to make your Christmas present for him truly meaningful and special.

Whether your boyfriend is a teenager or older and whether or not this will be the first Christmas you spend with him, this article will help you get ideas for the perfect Christmas gift to get for your boyfriend. Here, you will find cute, sentimental and sweet Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend, ranging from affordable to expensive, Christmas gift ideas for a new or long-distance boyfriend, and the top Christmas gifts for boyfriends. By the time you’re done reading this, you will no longer be asking yourself, “What is a good Christmas gift for my boyfriend,” or, “How much to spend on a Christmas gift for my boyfriend.” Hopefully, in the end, you will be able to find the best Christmas gift a boyfriend could hope for. So let’s get started with some good Christmas gift ideas for a boyfriend.


Get Your Boyfriend a Personalized Gift for Christmas

Sometimes, the best idea for a Christmas present for your boyfriend will be one with his name on it. Personalized gifts typically have a monogram (typically one’s name or initials) and possibly even a dedication. For example, every man needs a wallet, and the addition of your boyfriend’s monogrammed initials to it will certainly make him feel like it was made just for him. More affordable personalized Christmas gift ideas include exercise or yoga mats with your boyfriend’s name on them, as well as mugs that you can personalize with a cute or sentimental drawing, quote or sentence. You can also find a variety of personalized jewelry online, some of which is available at very reasonable prices. There are many retailers who offer various personalization options, so you can be creative with your Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend.

Personalized gifts are more effective at conveying your best Christmas wishes if they match your boyfriend’s interests. For instance, if he likes to write, you can get him a personalized leather journal with his name or initials, or with a special dedication from you on the inside cover. Men’s perfume or cologne can be a good choice for a boyfriend, and there are vendors who will sell you perfume bottles personalized with names, dedications or quotes. You can find personalized items to match all kinds of interests, from personalized aprons and cutting boards (if he likes to cook) to personalized spoons (if he would rather eat and leave the cooking to you), to name just a few examples. If you have a specific gift idea, there are more than a couple of places where you can get a personalized version of it, so look around in your area or search online, where you can find literally anything.


 Find a Unique Christmas Gift for Your Boyfriend

Nothing tells a boyfriend how special he is to you more than a unique Christmas present. It doesn’t even necessarily have to be all that expensive, there are many unique yet affordable gifts out there. Be creative when it comes to Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend. One example of a unique Christmas gift is designer art. You can get on displate and find some great and beautiful posters there, or find a desktop sand art sculpture, which is as unique as you can get, because it literally changes every time you move it.

If you search for “unique Christmas gifts” online, you will quickly find out that uniqueness is quite subjective, because you can find both exquisite oil paintings and whiskey glasses with the US Constitution written on them. But it doesn’t matter whether you settle on an art piece or a practical home appliance in the end. What makes a Christmas present unique is the thought you put into it. 

Be thoughtful, and think about the interests you share with your boyfriend. For example, if you are both interested in chess, you can buy a wall-mounted chess set. Every game you play will not only let you have fun together but will also decorate your wall. You can also pick out a gift to suit his needs. If your boyfriend is renting an apartment and doesn’t have nice furniture or décor items, show him your feminine side and get a cute and functional Christmas present for his apartment, like a flip rack or a nice mood lamp. Does your boyfriend have a penchant for pizza? Get him his own, personal pizza maker. Is your boyfriend an avid cyclist? Why not get him some decals to match his bike? Or perhaps some other accessories for his bike? Like a shiny new helmet, LED headlight, or a more comfortable seat. Does your boyfriend like to play games with friends? Get him a nice, new board game. The ideas are endless and depend greatly on your boyfriend’s interests. Remember, a truly unique Christmas gift comes from the heart. When people say it’s the thought that counts, they’re exactly right.


Should I Get a Christmas Present for My New Boyfriend?

This is a frequently asked question among people who have just started dating. The Christmas season is one typically spent with family and close friends, and it can be tricky to organize time with a new boyfriend amongst many other family and social engagements, particularly since it is quite awkward to have them around the people closest to you at such an early stage of your relationship. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get your new boyfriend a gift for your first Christmas together. Just make sure the gift reflects your level of commitment. Obviously, you don’t want to get anything too expensive for a new boyfriend, but a small, cute and affordable Christmas gift might just do the trick.

Your Christmas gift for a new boyfriend should be thoughtful, but relatively non-committal, which is why Christmas gift baskets are quite a good choice. Christmas gift baskets come in all shapes, sizes, and yes, prices, so perhaps you should choose one that is not quite so extravagant but still sends a message of caring and thoughtfulness. Pay attention to the contents of every Christmas gift basket, and make sure the one you pick contains products that would make a great Christmas present for your boyfriend. Look for baskets containing men’s health and body care products, grooming products, colognes, or other things that your boyfriend might find practical.

Another special subset of boyfriends are long distance boyfriends, and things can get rather complicated if you want to get the perfect Christmas gift to present them with. There’s a whole lot of emotional baggage attached to long-distance relationships, and you might, quite understandably, want to prepare a very special Christmas gift for your boyfriend, even one that might be relatively expensive. Although this article is about Christmas gift ideas, here’s some relationship advice - don’t let gifts and material things define your relationship. The Christmas gift you get for your long-distance boyfriend should reflect your relationship, not the other way around. So put some thought into it and get a Christmas gift that is meaningful, thoughtful and sentimental for your boyfriend, but remember that one Christmas gift shouldn’t make or break your relationship. It’s also a good idea to set a price limit with your boyfriend for your Christmas present, so that there are no disproportions between your material expressions of love and caring for each other. Your feelings for one another are far more important.

Teenage boyfriends are yet another subset of boyfriends that deserve their own paragraph when it comes to choosing Christmas gifts for them. Your teenaged boyfriend will likely appreciate a cute or sentimental gift, not necessarily one with monetary value. Or you could take the easy road and get him something every teenage boy loves, i.e. a video game or accessory for his PC or console, or equipment for his favorite sport or activity.


Inexpensive Christmas Gifts for Your Boyfriend

Sometimes, your budget just won’t let you get your boyfriend what you would like to give him for Christmas. But just because your Christmas gift is affordable doesn’t mean you can’t show him how much you care. There are plenty of affordable Christmas present ideas out there, so you can show your boyfriend some love without breaking the bank.

Books make great Christmas presents and are relatively inexpensive, so you can gift your boyfriend a nice hardcover or paperback in their favorite genre, whether it’s a biography, non-fiction book, handbook, sci-fi or fantasy epic, or a classic novel. If you want to tickle your boyfriend’s funny bone, you can check out the wide variety of joke books lying around on bookstore shelves and on the internet, just waiting to be read. Just make sure you’re ready to laugh at your boyfriend’s newfound sense of humor afterwards.

You might also consider a variety of other affordable Christmas gift ideas. Get your boyfriend a personalized cutting board, calendar or mug. If he likes waffles, get him a mini waffle maker. If he spends a lot of time in the car, get a heated card blanket, and if you can’t stand his singing when he’s in the shower, get him a Bluetooth shower speaker - maybe it will drown him out. Jokes aside, all of the products mentioned in this paragraph are under $30, so as you can see, you don’t have to spend a bundle to find a nice Christmas gift for your boyfriend. Many of these products are also personalized, so you can put your boyfriend’s name or initials on them, and that extra detail can go a long way and make even an inexpensive Christmas gift special and meaningful.

Finally, you can go a more egotistical route and get your boyfriend a Christmas present that will benefit you in the long run. Like a cocktail kit, or that new video game for PC or console that you’ve just been dying to play. Hey, no judgments, it’s not like those aren’t great gifts in their own right. At any rate, set a loose price range for the Christmas gifts you exchange with your boyfriend to avoid any arguments or negative feelings during Christmas.


Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend

Shopping is not always the answer you’re looking for. Sometimes you just don’t feel that anything you can buy will convey your true feelings. If you’re up for it, you can make your boyfriend a homemade Christmas gift. There’s a ton of great ideas online, and literally tons of blogs (assuming the mass of data is counted in electrons - still tons) on how to make homemade gifts for all occasions, Christmas included, and you can take advantage of all that information to make something special for your boyfriend.

Some of the most popular homemade Christmas gift ideas for boyfriends include: snow globes, using a jar and easy-to-get art supplies, cross-stitch embroidery gifts, agate coasters, a terrarium - made using picture frames, a fleece blanket, a personalized luminary, ornaments featuring photos of your boyfriend doing something he is passionate about, and so many more. There are loads of ideas out there, and if you engage the full extent of your personal creativity, imagination and energy, you can probably think of some even more imaginative things.

If you’re not shy about your cooking, there are a variety of cookies, marshmallows, hard candies, homemade toffees, and pastries, like peppermint blondies (mmmm…) that you can make by yourself with a bit of patience and cooking ability.

Making a homemade Christmas gift for your boyfriend will make it feel really special, and he will definitely appreciate your handicraft and thoughtfulness. When you care about someone, it’s not about the gift itself, it’s about the time and thought you put in to making it unique and creative. If you make a gift by yourself, your boyfriend will be able to see just how special you, and your gift, really are. Don’t be afraid to get creative, and let your imagination run wild. After all, there is nothing more thoughtful than a homemade gift, and any boyfriend can appreciate that.

So, armed with these Christmas gift ideas, you can pick out something nice for your boyfriend, no matter what stage your relationship is at. No matter your budget, there are loads of Christmas present ideas that you can take a look at for inspiration, so that you can surprise your boyfriend with a truly unique and creative gift. Just remember about what’s most important: Christmas spirit and cheer. There is no substitute for that.