rosauers rosauers prices valid thru while supplies last prices valid thru while supplies last deli trays bakery kays please order early! please order early! more varieties available! fancy meat starting at with green and black olives and tomatoes gourmet cheese starting at more varieties available! holiday cookies starting at lighter faire starting at that keep the calories cauliflower and seasonal fruit starting at spinach dip candy starting at bakery fresh baguette bread sliced to just the right size for with tomatoes and parsley iced cookies finger sandwiches iced brownie cookies starting at with kale and tomatoes large cookies hye roller our specialty! hye roller bread with a light layer of cream starting at with green leaf lettuce and tomatoes brownie delight mini croissant starting at buttery croissants layered with premium turkey breast black forest ham or roast beef with swiss and medium tomatoes and olives and tomatoes starting at sliced loaf cakes selected varieties winne limited to stock on hand while supplies lastno rainchecks limited to stock on hand while supplies lastno rainchecks