incubators & nesting incubadoras y videos still-air incubator digital control board for easy temperature setting digital hygrometer measures humidity while it light shows accurate readings instantly incubador de aire quieto espuma de poliestireno durable que sostiene calor con panel digital de controles para facilmente ajustar la temperatura wall mounted nesting box made of high-density impact resistant polyethylene that is easy to keep clean mounts securely on wall with slide-type screw holes deluxe circulated air incubator with egg turner sets the standard for incubating and hatching eggs with circulates the air to maintain a proper temperature incubadora con circulación de aire con volteador de huevos el aire para mantener una temperatura adecuada caja para nidos que se monta en la pared echa de politeleteno de alta densidad resistente a impactos con hoyos para deslizarse sobre tornillos