Natural Grocers - Valid from 02/25 until 03/26/2022

move your body appropriately exercises done exclusively lying down modulate inflammation compounds from the body's response to a virus may be contributing to post-viral symptoms turmeric is well known as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory herb resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that supports mitochondrial health support mitochondrial health nearly every cell has mitochondria that produce the energy needed dysfunction is believed to be at the heart of many post-viral symptoms coq10 is required for energy production and supports the health and function of the mitochondria including reducing oxidative damage involved in mitochondrial energy production and are necessary for maintaining mitochondrial structure and function fasting have been shown to improve mitochondrial function balance the gut microbiota having a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut supports optimal immune function as well as a healthy inflammatory response throughout the body probiotics help to repopulate the gut microbiome with beneficial bacteria prebiotics can be thought of as food for the probiotics and include most high fiber foods and supplements like other supplemental sources include go it alone appointment for a free consultation with your local nutritional health coach neverending when you're in the thick of regaining your vitality! lingering anosmia? smell and taste can have a significant impact on quality of methods help to improve sense of smell by stimulating the re-growth and activation of olfactory receptors for references email [email protected]