Natural Grocers THANKSGIVING 2021 - Valid from 10/29 until 11/27/2021

feel-good foods lower in people who eat a more traditional diet it's hard to stress just how important fruit and veggies are for investigating fruit and vegetable intake and depression risk have consistently found that lower intakes are related to a higher risk of of antioxidants was associated with lower prevalence of depressive eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables was associated with less people who have higher fruit and veggie intakes are less stressed in mental wellbeing." chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are both drivers of are chock-full of antioxidants that reduce oxidative damage and and is strongly influenced by the types of bacteria resilient to mood disorders there is also a simple joy to be found in eating fresh australian study found that people who previously ate almost no fresh produce who began to eat fruit and vegetables daily reported an increase in life satisfaction and happiness equivalent to what an unemployed of eating happiness." fat is where it's at research shows that low-fat diets significantly increase the risk of period found that women on a low-fat diet were 37 percent more likely to be depressed after one year than women who did not eat participants were then switched to a low-fat diet while the other researchers measured mood again and found that the people on depressed while those who remained on the high-fat diet were less hostile significant changes found in total or ldl cholesterol levels in the they need the right kinds fats epa and dha among 14 different vegetables "contributed to the largest share of eating happiness."