in the pro what's the first thing you want to prioritize for your business over the next few months? reflecting on the hundreds of projects they accomplished and what learnings are is doing the same! to share the wealth to get their hands on and how they'll be spending the holidays we sat down with several pro ambassadors next year i'm also tying up several loose reaching out to clients and making sure their needs have been taken care of and payments equipment so i know what new equipment to proactively securing projects for spring 2022 upgrade their tools this winter-even expecting to spend an average amount of $3,100 on tools and this year differ for you and what did you learn? has truly been a balancing act between grit and nimble enough to adapt to the needs of partners building a greenhouse alongside student-builders project under budget and ahead of schedule because to the jobsite each day at expanding our tool arsenal with a dust these helpful skills by watching others in our online innovation that's great for our clients! we also learn do both online and on social media biggest business driver for pros? your business this year? "never accept defeat" into every blood am some mornings and work late into the evenings for pros considering taking the leap and starting their own business has allowed me to work hard for myself and my daughter to create generational wealth which makes all the hard work worth it! will continue to be in high demand next need to focus on production capacity and getting more people to produce the work sold when simultaneously learn lean processes in order to do more with fewer people and work with vocational schools to promote the wonderful lifestyle that can be created with a career in the trades