every effort has been made to produce this catalog without error reserve the right to correct it by displaying corrections subject to availability merchandise shown may not be available in all see an associate images may be enlarged to show detail some merchandise may vary slightly from that weig ore mere weights are approximate to the following for size ranges appropriate to refer to the follox here ve10 on not all diamonds contain this catalog may have been treated or enhanced gemstones may require opee for details associate for details colored diamonds sanced bu are enhanced by high temperatura high-temperature to dre permanently create the color price call 1-800-diamond prices effective through foxp easy returns diamond council of americach doa the diamond professionals mix responsible sources fred meyer jewelers fred meyer jewelers bulkkin new! bulova latin grammy® citices take time they'll feel appreciated every moment new! citizen eco-drive® gold-tone stainless steel champagne 3-hand dial bulons new! bulova sutton gold-tone stainless steel new! citizen eco-drive® stainless steel mother-of-pearl dial