buildings sights sounds sights sounds new! graveyard party new! witches tower witches riding broomsticks revolve above rooftop witches circle on mid-level of the tower coffin lid opens and figure pops up ballroom dancers twirl while circling the coffin dancers perform a line dance moving in and out of the mausoleum figures pop up behind tombstones at front coro braveyard party! rohste arcade llit rupy doll sights sounds sights sounds sights sounds ghost containment lighted building lighted monster arcade creepy doll shop exterior lighting on building casts an eerie glow isle dortos pins needies return prison sights sounds sights sounds new! wasteland pub isle of no return prison new! doctor pins & needles big skull's eyes glow on and off lights flash simulating lightning glowing flames on grill and out of pipes lights flash on different sceneries coordinating with the script in the soundtrack