Costco - Valid from 12/01 until 12/31/2019

go smoke- free in 2020 quit smoking erg kicking the habit is tough but there's more help for you than ever before lmost 35 million american adults young people start this addicting can start 2020 smoke-free and ceo of vita media corporation cations company why is quitting tough? feeling hungrier than usual with resultant weight gain or lozenge non-nicotine medications used to help quit smoking include bupropion sr and the products vary in cost pharmacist before use to see if a smoking any unusual reactions to your health care against use useful information for people who want to quit smoking can be found at the centers for disease control by going to and searching "quit smoking resources." off the new year in the best way possible make a pledge to become smoke-free ways to quit smoking there are several ways to quit smoking including talking to a health care provider forms of therapy nicotine replacement products help you reduce your nicotine dose over time and avoid the other toxic ingredients of costco connection costco members will find smoking cessation aids including kirkland signature" gum and warehouses and on why quit? smoking is responsible for nearly one in five deaths annually in the united states according to the centers for disease control and prevention smoking hurts nearly every part of the body and increases the risk of lung cancer it can increase the risk of emphysema and other immune problems as well babies' health.-lrb