Costco - Valid from 10/01 until 10/31/2020

follow us on cargo member comments talk to us other products that are part of costco's costco family do you have a comment about something you read in the connection? please costco connon email [email protected] this story warmed my heart and filled my soul like no other story you have published you are not only going above and beyond to to work for a company that is helping to make is making a difference mail costco connection nede advertising and products all products advertised are available in our warehouses will indicate whether a product is also available at or only at nicole hutton vision-testing options mention of additional resources other than around the country do eye screenings starting as early as 6 months of age my club screens approximately 3,000 children every year and refers about 6% for additional testing products are scheduled to be available at the time of the connection's date of publication if they are later than the publi- carries many of the products available at the are usually not listed in the magazine because they have not been finalized at the time of printing and may vary from one part of the country to another due to shipping costs we hope members know to check costco first when compari- telephone service allowing members to call in for prices or product availability they grow up so fast! chosen from a stock photography house our july cover photo of a young girl and her frozen treat perfectly captured the idea of strong and positive chord the image would of emails and letters telling us how the young girl's expression brought them laughter and imagine our further delight when one of the emails came from the family of the cover and fun surprise" it was to see this photo of "she did the shoot when she was 7 years old for stock photography and is actually 19 years susan hutton portrait to share.-editor correction share with us digital editions do you have a favorite costco travel trip? one of the impacts of the pan- demic has been on our ability to freely visit connection would like to hear your story please submit a brief summary of your story "favorite trip" in the subject line pepper for prosperity how costco is part of a bigger community that supports the peacetrees vietnam farmers in access the magazine online each month at or download the costco from the app store and are available in these digital editions