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new schools are essential to healthy towns in quang tri must be cleared of unexploded bombs building bridges wyzny frum rii min clearing the land stop in a rural area where an eod team bombing maps from the war provided by fied this area as still dangerous from cluster munitions-bombs containing smaller bomblets that disperse in a wide high failure rate-possibly 30%-pham 25-acre area meticulously scanning the dirt step hurrying to finish the job within a two- are informed that a small bomb was detected shortly before our visit the eod team has cordoned off the that has been carefully dug around an oblong metal object sunk into the earth stacked around the hole; smaller explo- sives have been set around the bomb to destroy it on-site explosion shakes the earth and a white plume drifts above the area been able to move back into these areas and build homes and schools-and use estimated that only 20% of quang tri province has been cleared to date peacetrees vietnam mission of building bridges of peace and friendship between america and vietnam as the countries' relationship normalized nonprofit organization has financed programs to clear mines and other ordnance from the land; teach local residents about the risks of mines; build schools and libraries to educate future generations; and support economic development for sustainable prosperity ptvn was started by jerilyn brusseau and her war when his helicopter was shot down while downed fellow pilot organization was modeled on other international peacetrees programs that foster friendship between foes by planting trees in war-torn areas the group's first project was to sponsor clearance and plant trees on 18 acres in quang tri province the friendship forest park and features 2,000 trees planted by volunteers from around the world.-tt continued on page 36