99 Ranch - Valid from 12/11 until 12/17/2020

dec 11 - dec 17 meat 肉類。 膳食均衡,營養豐富,助力全民健康 beef shank 牛花雕 boneless 週末特價 weekend | seafood special 冷凍五花肉 pork belly 週末特價 weekend special meat 新鮮三文魚排 resh 游水龍蝦 salmon steak live maine lobster-s #6#elba fresh petrale sole 新鮮五線立 fresh white 整條新鮮鮮魚 fresh whole atlantic salmon 9## weekend produs frecial organic black gari 甜豆 sugar snap pea 小藍莓 blueberries it organic base pears sorp teho pears of som product of korea 台灣芭樂 taiwan guava bitter melon 韓國新高梨