99 Ranch - Valid from 09/02 until 09/08/2022

drink & snack follow us for special!ooooo sang ket mizuho brown sugar boba milk tea 瑞穂黑糖珍奶 aloe boba milk nown sugar the top inger honey crystals samanco marle hanasia aloe vera drink - ⓡ dom man +crv asian taste instant drink - ginggrae samanco 싸망코 aloe aloe want want shelly senbei rice crack 回健美 原味蛋捲 egg roll fingera 3⁹8 samanco առ-զ the vert all want want cunder want want - 合美 芝麻蛋捲 egg roll 알로에 gingara for 350 gigke samanco 싸만코 irvins salted egg potato chips binggrae samanco- svend cadina 卡迪那 2.0⁹ ginggrae samanco 싸망코 patata potato snack original spicy hfh spicy hot peanut 黃飛紅麻辣花生 keanuts potato twists re irvins lted eg assav chips 8oz pineapple cake gateau de ananas irvins spicy alted eg potato chips chiu fu pineapple cake 1kg datara got suff14 potato twists matesch fury want want lonely god potato twist - for arvins kode 双慧分享 地饮美迷 旺仔 饅頭 spicy ilted eg cassava chips >精柚子蜜 8oz want want hot kid cookie ball 旺仔小饅頭 shanasia 花生米花酥 friday - thursday s.cal stores only in the tyt sun cake - aut sandwich sandwil crackers cracker 中样夾心蘇打餅 中样夾心蘇打餅 taras 原香瓜子 original sunflower seeds atties thilary 花生米花酥 上海万年青 luom 花生米花酥 download our app antro 瑞穗 焦糖瓜子 reet 「黑糖奶茶口味 sandwich crackers cat 中祥夾心蘇打餅 mea 花生米花酥 班 menu 五香瓜子 spiced sunflour sids want want 要吃 lag 花生米花酥 for