dried cherry muffins ingredients directions v2 teaspoon crisco all-vegetable shortening essential everyday granulated sugar large egg essential everyday all-purpose flour arm & hammer baking soda morton lodized salt buttermilk cream shortening and sugar and salt; add to creamed mixture slowly with buttermilk fold in cherries coat muffin cups with cooking spray; fill cups three-fourths full or until a toothpick comes out clean v4 cup fleet farm fleet farm fleet farm fleet farm fleet farm fleet farm premiere collection montmorency dried cherries unsweetened golden raisins reduced sugar tried cranberries unsweetened coconut jumbo raisins मामा fleet farm 11 to fleet farmº 4-oz unsweetened coconut fleet farm 7-oz premier dried cherries red cherries cherry pineapple mix 20% mors bate fleet 1 farm limestrut criterion dried crystallized ginger wilderness store wildernes gore erunt wilderne lueberry more frukt apple country cherry brpes ter green chebrie unde dried crystallized ginger paradise 8 to 16-oz baking fruits