Costco - Valid from 08/01 until 08/31/2020

follow us on coco member poll what was your favorite subject in school? top responses science math english other costco members respond to our poll posted to costco's facebook page what your favorite subject reveals about you this was found on with works for you don't like to take the easy way and are often considered analytical logical and cautious bigger picture you also tend to be diplomatic nonfiction; travel when possible; watch and pretty much any documentary kristin singer beautiful words for others to read and eloquently in front of a group of people tammy bond imagination and a strong creative in the safety of your own mind and i went on to be a journeyman sheet ray smits self-confidence and resilience in a place i believed was then i decided i'd be a math teacher the greatest life lessons i ever learned were in math teri bench watch for the poll at costco or weigh in at connectiona with subject line "poll." got me thinking about the role that each of us plays in society and how individuals can change the course of history powerful stuff! richard goldman