fresh! fruits & vegetables dale dole cole slaw shredded lettuce or garden salad usda organic gmru florida bi-color sweet corn first of the season! dale lassic eslaw shredded lettuce fresh organics jumbo cantaloupe tomatoes on the vine our best selling variety! sweet & nutritious usda orgardc manns family favorites organic yellow or zucchini squash usda certified honeydew melons $399 snow white mushrooms 8 oz whole romaine hearts $299 mann's cut & cleaned vegetables cauliflower combo caps or sliced for for usda organic sundia truefruit fresh fruit & yogurt parfaits regular low fat or greek made fresh daily! organic cucumbers usda certified fruit cups sen mandarin gold nugget baby peeled carrots bursting with flavor! floral & gifts new line of root candles la fleur collection! locally made violet • peony • hydrangea consumer bunches mix or match tulips assorted bulb plants daffodils or hyacinths save root local fresh! meat today's catch! panorama usda organic organic panorama grass fed beef acres chicken breast small pack canadian salmon panorama 20%off- open natural prime top sirloin shell steaks certified angus beef prime encrusted frozen tilapia fillets papaya or tuscan herbs open acres beef acres sirloin tip roast natural beef sirloin tip roast paul piazza wild usa raw shrimp tail-off peeled & deveined open acres asean local locab tenderized or stir fry value pack boneless western style ribs $179 stade bulk sausage buehler's own store $399 chicken breast harvest of the sea cooked shrimp peeled & deveined or all white meat ground bologna sieners snow crab clusters armour meatballs prime fresh lunchmeats primefrain cotto salami delicatessen oscar mayer franks or smoky links for participating items single quantities $2.99 each participating items single quantities $2.99 each swordfish steaks pure farmland plant based protein burger 16 oz simple seasoned curly's meats bbq tubs curlýs pulled chicken sauceless lunchables uploaded pure catfish nuggets curlys orga frozen pusled pork oscar mayer participating items single quantities $3.99 each participating items single quantities $3.99 each lunchables uploaded $299