rancho te ahorra! markets round tomato tomate bola broccoli brocoli white rose or red rose potato papa roja persian lime lima persa sweet plums red green or black hawthorns clamshelll tejocote en caja 1 lb $17⁹ insala $34⁹ cauliflower coliflor tomatillo or jalapeño pepper chile jalapeño sweet papaya papaya dulce sugar cane stalks varas de caña cuffs nopalitos fuyu persimmons persimo fuyu $13⁹ nopal whole clean nopal entero limpio jutt nopalitos for mexican or yellow squash calabaza mexicana jumbo loose carrots zanahoria jumbo suelta banana leaves hojas de platano sweet guava guayaba dulce sugar cano peeled well surcoledare $14⁹ sugar cane caña en bolsa de 1 lb pealed cane for grandes ofertas frutas y verduras fresh produce martes y miercoles tuesday & wednesday lbs sweet seedless watermelon sandia sin semilla lbs cantaloupe melon chino for cucumber pepino pineapple piña lbs garnet yams camote garnet lbs white onions cebolla blanca we reserve the right to limit any merchandise in the store ad items are available while supplies last we are not responsible for typographical errors nos reservamos el derecho de limitar nuestra mercancia los productos estaran disponibles hasta agotar cargo extra for any substitution of hand made tortillas there will be an extra charge rancho markets utah p.3