Tops Friendly Markets - Valid from 02/09 until 02/15/2025

200extraf tops gaspoints cinnamon toast crunch cheerios motts lucky charms nature valley for with general mills cereal for nature valley and fiber one or general mills bars buy one maxwell house get one free equal or lesser value with mix or match maxwell house coffee selected varieties excludes decaf buy one butte get one utz specials free equal or lesser value with mix or match utz or bachman pretzels selected varieties hortons with giant size cereal selected varieties tim hortons tim hortons and with kellogg's pepsi for with pepsi 12 pack cans or 8 pack bottles or gatorade 8 pack plus deposit where applicable classico silk almond for with classico pasta sauce includes alfredo for with silk almondmilk ronzoni club & cheddar for ronzoni egg noodles for keebler cracker packs for adreally ranch with hidden valley ranch dressing success minute with minute or wendy's chili with wendy's chili new england coffee juicy juice juicy orville redenbachers for juicy juice cravin crav'n cookies original includes slim varieties for with orville redenbacher's microwave popcorn with gold peak gold peak success rice tea topo chico with sabores flavored saling mater limet topo chico sabores 8 pack selected varieties deposit where applicable scotties everyday comfort selected varieties for with scotties tissues single box for with crav'n chocolate chip or creme sandwich cookies or thin wheat and woven crackers kool-aid new flavor all dress potato country time for with country time or kool-aid drink mixes with booth tops potato or el propel xtra snack & beverage savings sta pepsi with for pepsi 2 liter plus deposit where applicable takis takis fuego for with takis rolled tortilla chips sharing selected varieties buy two get free equal or lesser tutut mix or match power roe original selected varieties where applicable for with powerade 8 pack selected varieties for snyder's family size! mini with snyder's of hanover pretzels or cape cod chips polar onic wath polar snapple snapple tea kettle chips potato chips 7.75-8 oz or kettle chips 8.5 oz with propel selected varieties plus deposit where applicable for with xtra laundry detergent with polar 1 liter seltzers and mixers selected varieties where applicable buy one get one free equal or lesser value with mix or match snapple 6 pack selected varieties keebler e.l.fudge elfwick original oreo party size ritz with nabisco party size cookies and crackers brew market eclaw truly twisted tea party pack new item digital rebate see store for details digital rebate noted above tea or white claw 12 pack plus deposit where applicable with frito lay 18 ct classic 18 variety pack over packd blue moon can-do keystone natural selected varieties digital rebate see store for details digital rebate noted above moon or saranac keeblen new chips deluxe fudgy for fudge stripes original with where applicable milwaukee's best digital rebate see store for details digital rebate noted above michelob ultra plus deposit where applicable where applicable corona heineken & stella artois 12 pack or guinness 8 pack selected varieties where applicable life 12 pack