also strong evidence that they are human skin toxins and allergens in haircare products include synthetic fragrance and parabens oral hygiene should be clean- we say no thanks to artificial colors and parabens! is there any reason to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth researchers found an association between urinary propylparaben to get your toothpaste and mouthwash at natural grocers® because our oral hygiene collection is always free of artificial colors and parabens don't let noxious secrets be part of your signature scent! smelling delightful with the aid of synthetic fragrances may come with health risks that you don't have the option of calculating what do we mean by that? simply this "fragrance" is a well- of synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum by-products request sourcing documentation beach days need not cause harm to hormones and coral reefs low as 62 parts per trillion-a microscopic amount! xxi octinoxate into the bloodstream following a single application of sunscreen think twice about toxic deodorizers endocrine disruptors and animal studies have shown them to be particularly damaging to the male reproductive another ingredient frequently found in popular antiperspirants and potentially hazardous chemicals because we don't let them in! good hair days don't require formaldehyde-releasing preservatives! lathering up your scalp with formulas that contain formaldehyde- to the substance can happen through inhalation and possibly soap natural grocers® 23