produce try it! meet the growers daniels produce cauliflower moon drop black grapes try moon drop black grapes! dole cauliflower each hy-vee homegrown when you see the hy-vee homegrown the produce was grown within 200 red delicious bartlett pears gala apples from washington apples calloy cotton candy grapes save 24 per gallon with each ib try cotton candy grapes! try it! red plumcots sweet potatoes mini seedless watermelon each mango each navel oranges from south africa organic organic granny smith apples organic green grapes organic celery each 2¢ usda organic-certified without synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers and full of real flavor gallo driscoll organic driscoll's raspberries with each item purchased organic blueberries josie's organics salad save 2° per gallon with each item purchased josie's organics romaine hearts