produce baked sweet potatoes are thanksgiving meal! add your favorite toppings to make them even tastier and more flavorful! 2.99ıb sweet potatoes fresh asparagus greenhouse or orange peppers each fresh cucumbers each brussels sprouts red radishes fresh parsley italian parsley cilantro or green onions bunch or spaghetti squash trgam sweet yellow onions sunset sugar bomb tomatoes grimmway farms baby carrots 2 lb.pkg save 10 per gallon with each item purchased organic organic red seedless grapes organic navel oranges organic lemons each cara usda organic-certified produce grown without synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers and full of real flavor boi josie's organics salad save 104 per gallon with each item purchased organic grimmway farms whole carrots 2 lb.pkg organic zucchini yellow squash or cucumbers organic honeycrisp apples