meat uson yee choice hie angus reserve reserve hy-vee choice reserve beef brisket hy-vee angus reserve boneless beef chuck roast fresh ground round byte choice choice prime reserve reserve angus hy-vee angus reserve boneless beef ribeye steak reserve hy-vee choice reserve beef bone-in standing rib roast hy-vee choice reserve beef tenderloin filet mignon 5 oz hy-vee prime reserve bacon-wrapped beef sirloin filet 5 oz fuel save carn offor groundfilean beef pork loin back ribs previously frozen hormel always tender fresh ground chuck patty boneless pork shoulder roast hormel always tender fresh ground beef we have the best beef liyle angus the leanest of all the grades these cuts offer great flavor at prepackaged for quick selection in the ready-to-go case hy-vee's choice reserve is hand selected from the choice highest quality of marbled cuts for flavorful and tender beef prime it doesn't get any better than this; only the best cattle are chosen abundant to very abundant marbling for the most beebie reserve reserve