only 8% of all beef can be considered certified angus beef never underestimate the difference between ordinary angus beef and the certified angus beef ® brand certid angus reef usda choice sothes out berekes lop round roos shur sayes fresh boneless center cut pork chops or roast certified angus beef boneless sirloin steaks shursave fresh boneless new york strip steak certified angus bet ground vool marche fresh pork tenderloins usda choice beef cubed stocks or sto or stew fresh veal scallopini cutid anasa fresh boneless country style spare ribs assorted vores tenders hatfield dry rubbed seasoned pork loin files all mural 85% fet free ground turkey coro all maturku shady brook fast fixin' packaged & frozen meats american made ang franks al vans johnsonville smoked santage bubbo turkey burgers beer brats smokid brats tabancile smoked chicken sourage lb urger marah family owned american made et jumbo franks kokoronell cancrocio all varieties excluding beet & cheese hatfield meat franks regular or vidolic onion bubba burgers hebrew national reguler low for for free hebrew national beef franks hebrew national branks bubb lb urge free gf ng kabatan tere bob evans bob evans aud vlees hilshire farm deli select thin sliced lunch meals bob evans home fries of hash browns the phill steak the phily steak philly sandwich steaks flere year bap 4 star certified qf1620 count wholey row e-z peel colossal shrimp fresh corch chile from rodi bap 4 star certified of pooled & dad p& jumbo shrimp wholey wholey eat right deces fresh catch tilopis fillets previously frozen stas trident aleskan salmon burgers malow come organic stuffed clams sobest froren flounder rillets sebes pastewized lomp grob moot cont sr-2