connection editor's note family publisher sandy torrey editorial director international team copy editor miriam bulmer contributors michele wojciechowski art director doris winters associate art director lory williams production manager pam sather assistant production manager antolin matsuda color specialist maryanne robbers publishing advertising manager advertising coordinators advertising copywriter bill urlevich senior advertising graphic designer susan detlor josh livingston national advertising representative business manager jane johnson circulation manager rossie cruz publishing digital analyst dorothy strakele quick & easy the costco way manager costco wholesale affairs of the kitchen throughout the everybody in our food departments puts in an who come out with a variety of seasonal treats every to the meat department folks who bring in every- let's just say it's a complete team effort our coverage starts with a check-in with ina recipes from this latest cookbook for you to try out this edition's special section focuses on small fun story on using pumpkin beyond the traditional nobody knows for certain these days what the costco photo studio tim talevich is editorial director costco connection subscription changes the costco connection is mailed to primary executive "customer service" and then "live chat." coming next month watch for our annual in our november issue mix paper from responsible sources fsc audio media follow us on authors and does not necessarily carry the endorsement of costco ments is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product or service offered unless it is specifically stated in the ad that there is such approval or endorsement products advertised may not be costco wholesale balanw sd