folding side trays available in all colors accessories for 5 drawer mechanic's carts surface area for 4 drawer tech carts surface area customer rating save compare to customer rating save tools sold separately compare to snap-on tools sold separately magnetic tray with magnetic spray can screwdriver holder and screwdriver holder dispenser towel holder series2 ope compare to snap-on $1199 save towels sold separately tool box corner tools sold separately customer rating tools sold separately customer rating gloves sold separately customer rating compareto snap-on customer rating compareto snap-on snap-on save $1199 save multi-rail socket tool organizers trays customer rating sae - red metric item socket trays sae - red metric - black your choice your choice sockets sold separately save compareto $3150 customer rating snap-on magnetic socket rail customer rating rack sockets sold separately duyle doyle screwdrivers sold separately 18"x72" nonslip toolbox solid liner customer rating compare to $1899 ernst save tool box liner lin save compareto $998 husky wire pliers rack 14" lx pittsburgh wrench rack pliers sold save save compareto $11 customer rating compareto matco modelpleasrack tekton wrenches sold separately