rancho te ahorra! markets or dill celery apio new crop jicama jicama nueva cosecha sweet plums red green or black sweet guava guayaba dulce habanero chili chile habanero $14⁹9 $14⁹ $2⁹9 for butternut squash calabaza mantequilla mexican squash calabaza mexicana lbs jalapeño pepper chile jalapeño fancy pomegranate granada black grapes castilla squash calabaza de castilla lbs for kabocha squash calabaza kabocha yellow chili or chayote squash chayote liso yellow peaches duraznos amarillos mamey mamey dragon fruit pitaya $1⁹⁹9 grandes ofertas frutas y verduras fresh produce martes y miercoles tuesday & wednesday gala apples manzana gala lbs zucchini calabaza lbs white onions cebolla blanca for cilantro cilantro japanese sweet potatoe camote japones cactus nopal $22⁹ we reserve the right to limit any merchandise in the store ad items are available while supplies last we are not responsible for typographical errors nos reservamos el derecho de limitar nuestra mercancia los productos estaran disponibles hasta agotar cargo extra for any substitution of hand made tortillas there will be an extra charge rancho markets utah p.3