QFC - Valid from 05/29 until 06/04/2019

fuel points on 100s of items throughout the store just look for these taos! earn save sx fuel points fuel points farn pepper jack swiss classic corn dogs value pack fuel points qanuals earn fuel points with card state fair corn dogs select varieties danimals yogurt smoothie value pack select varieties 12-pack 3.1 fl oz kroger natural cheese slices with card with card cheezit hershey's syrup hershey's syrup earn original graham honey earn earn krackers graham vuel crackers care fuel points points pourts keebler multipack select varieties hershey's syrup select varieties kroger graham crackers select varieties with card with card with card earn usda organic fuel points organic popcorn low sodium simple truth organic blue corn tortilla chiso minute zalovic with card simple truth organic tortilla chips simple truth organic popcom with card minute maid lights or twists select varieties earn fuel points milk-bone mission solo day page total soft earn earn earn earn ron vor snacks fuel points points points pouets fage greek yogurt select varieties solo plates select varietes greek yogurt milk bone dog biscuits select vaneties mission soft tacos select vertes soft tacos with card with card with card with card earn earn fuel points cury 3x fuel points with card angel food cake panor sour cream with card curly's ribs earn fuel acetaminophen points ibuprofen hom ittle earn sy wipes 3x - earn puel points parties with card fresh homestyle ground beef patties pounts comforts baby wipes select varieties kroger ibuprofen or acetaminophen select varieties with card with card earn fuel febrer points ultrasheer jergens natural glow earn earn with card mens jergens full points natural glow points sun care kerr regular ooo and wide mouth neutrogena sun care canning jars with card with card canning jars febreze car clip assorted scents