sarasota breeze chair oscillating 18" metal fan sku# pedestal quiet and efficient fan all metal construction carry handle all wood 45" round glass table silver lake stack chair •colors 14x $ your choice vary by each theirs store theirs •you may find sarasota breeze •chair colors theirs up to vary by store theirs blue and natural $99.99 also sarasota breeze zero 10' x 10' straight leg gravitysarasota gazebo les en el te te real estate a la rete se s s 1 395 replacement chair cushions$ cushions breeze chairs •water resistant fabric of shade our thickness •styles and colors vary by store •poly filled their thickness chaise cushions $49.⁹9 theirs it's like floating in outer space theirs colors vary by store theirs at the fancy store's prices ceiling fan buyout off the fancy store's prices examples of other sizes you may find available at similar savings 5'x7' grass ribbed needle size grass punch 6¹x9¹ theirs what's the story? of this deal! one of the largest fan companies on the internet needed to make space in their warehouse ollie's and we worked out find the right fan for you cause when they're gone they're gone! examples of fans you may find 6'x8' ribbed needle punch outdoor carpet • some with remotes some that work with alexa and google assistant •up to 52" theirs theirs theirs selection varies by store magnavox •3 speeds •timer function •remote control porches or docks! 19⁹⁹9 theirs