morton snapdragon apples williams gala apples bartlett pears u.s.d.a choice usda choice beef boneless top chuck steak apples new york usda choice boneless beef for stew fresh made lean ground beef sirloin jumbo navel oranges meyer lemons $299 house u.s.d.a choice fresh produce tropical malanga coco drinks $5.9⁹9 $5.99⁹ tropical kabocha squash california broccoli crowns fresh smoked granny smith apples petite carrots gourmet meats fresh boneless usda choice shoulder center cut boneless beef london broil pork chops suzy sirloin meatloaf mix esposito cheese & parsley sausage hass avocados $7.9⁹9 little $6.9⁹⁹ the little potato company little potato creamer potatoes company marie's fresh grade 'a' chicken tenders butternut squash fresh nature shoulder veal chops fresh nature round bone $4.⁹⁹ quartered chicken legs with backs $7.9⁹9