seafood oct 01 - oct 07 補充維他命,增強免疫力! swau fileu ut of swau filleu in stores only 特大去頭白蝦 jumbo white shrimp 龍利魚片1 swan flet in stores only #green mussel illex squid se striped bass dragon dragon art 最爱 tilapia with pickled vegetable and chili 酸菜鱼片 umts refreze thuawoweat store sering agro the non-gmo soy on pidion convenient tacock ake aded 鱼片 ake haded 黑鱼片 fish slices adamer 酸菜魚片lapa with pickled 野生小黃花魚 yellow croaker 黑片 snakeheaded fish slices vegetable and chili follow us on social media @99ranchmarket @the99ranch